Shirley - If you have already downloaded this booklet, and it isn't too much to 
email, could you forward me a copy?  Thank you.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Shirley Reed 
  Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 11:52 PM
  Subject: CS>Desideratum

     The Desideratum (Latin for necessary thing) is the title of a small 
booklet by John Wesley, Methodist theologian, published in the mid 1700's.  It 
relates the author's knowlege of and experiences with the 'new' phenomenon of 
electricity.  His knowledge led him to establish at least four free clinics for 
the poor in London.   This extraordinary little volume from page 42 to about 64 
relates many episodes of very quick healings of many and varied terrible 
afflictions common in those days.  This book was available for download in its 
entirety through, advanced scholar search, full view mode.  It 
is no longer available for download through them.  This only occurred in about 
the last month.  The Yahoo group named microelectricitygermkiller has this 
posted in its files, that is, the booklet in its entirety and has done for 
about the last two months.  That group has detailed instructions for making 
some very simple and effective healing tools using micro amounts of dc 
electricity using, at the strongest, a single 6 volt lantern battery.  Many 
personal experiences of apparent healing or improvement of some very pretty 
awful conditions, some heretofore hopeless, are reported in their All Diseases 
      I am sending this to this group because I am worried that  a site as 
selfless as google has decided to remove such a wonderful document.  I want 
every single person in the world to read those pages referred to above.  If 
they find it meaningless, then so be it.  But electricity is a healing tool 
without equal, in my opinion and experience.  And the experiences in the  
Desideratum may give the suffering a glimmer of hope that maybe something can 
be done for them.  Certainly it can with only a little bit more 
knowledge----which is available at the micro group.  So easy and so 
inexpensive.     I intend to look into alternatives as to getting the 
Desideratum as wide a distribution as possible.  But I am hoping something can 
be done to get Google to put Wesley's little jewel back on their site for 
download.  Maybe if all on this list will email them, then something can be 
done.  I don't know.   That they have removed that booklet is distinctly 
terrible and is extremely hurtful, particularly to those already disadvantaged. 
  Best wishes,   pj   Since Big Brother may be watching---The above is only my 
opinion.  I do not prescribe or hold any medical degrees of any kind.  Just my 
opinions.   :(       ps   I use CS copiously and have my own generator and make 
it and use it by the gallon!!  Good stuff.