FYI: Meteoroids are in space, meteors are in the air, meteorites are on the
ground. So many get these all mixed up!Marshalee, a space-stuff buff...

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Clayton Family <>wrote:

> Space Weather News for Feb. 16, 2009
> WEEKEND FIREBALLS:  A daylight fireball over Texas on Sunday, Feb. 15th,
> triggered widespread reports that debris from a recent satellite collision
> was falling to Earth. Those reports were premature. Researchers have studied
> video of the event and concluded that the object was more likely a natural
> meteoroid about one meter wide traveling more than 20 km/s--much faster than
> orbital debris.  Meteoroids hit Earth every day, and the Texas fireball was
> apparently one of them.
> There's more: On Friday, Feb. 13th, people in central Kentucky heard loud
> booms, felt their houses shake, and saw a fireball streaking through the
> sky. This occurred scant hours after another fireball at least 10 times
> brighter than a full Moon lit up the sky over Italy.  Although it is
> tempting to attribute these events to debris from the Feb. 10th collision of
> the Iridium 33 and Kosmos 2251 satellites, the Kentucky and Italy fireballs
> also seem to be meteoroids, not manmade objects. Italian scientists are
> studying the ground track of their fireball, which was recorded by multiple
> cameras, and they will soon begin to hunt for meteorites.