Do not rush into surgery!  I realized the other day that my trigger finger (of 
thumbs) is gone.  Not sure when it went away and sure hope it doesn't come 
back. My thumbs clicked and caught for maybe nine months.  

 Also, maybe ten years ago, I had carpal tunnel so bad that I couldn't hold a 
mug with one hand.   The hands ached awfully at night.  I know now it was 
because I was into playing a computer game on the desktop computer.  Using a 
laptop computer on my lap doesn't bother me, but when I use the desktop for 
long, I get a problem no matter how careful I am about posture.

 I remember a time twenty-five years ago when my hands were going to sleep.  
One time I awoke with a terrible start and horror thinking there was someone's 
hand lying on my pillow.  I realized a minute later that it was my own.  That 
numbness was due to doing push-ups on my bicycle handlebars while riding it on 
a trainer.  

I'm afraid too many people give up too quickly on figuring out and solving 
their problem.  Surgery often causes more problems.
