No, we use it all the time in baby goats who have digestive problems. The 
bismuth  - I think - is the antibiotic. No one will tell you this, of 
course...LOL ...Drs have to prescribe!
Idf you use this, please restart your digestive system with a good probiotic. I 
see them advertised now on TV in yogurts. They finally are getting the picture 
- 70% of your immune system starts in your gut.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dee Fitzpatrick 
  Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 9:40 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Stomach ulcer.

        I didn't know that Pepto was an anti biotic!  I thought you had to use 
Pepto in conjunction with an anti biotic to cure ulcers.  dee

        -------Original Message-------

        From: Gayla Roberts
        Date: 03/09/09 15:53:19
        Subject: Re: CS>Stomach ulcer.

        Pepto is an antibiotic, so it would kill the bacteria causing the 
ulcer. Congrats!
        Gayla Roberts
        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Day Sutton 
        Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 6:33 AM
        Subject: Re: CS>Stomach ulcer.

        I cured my ulcers permanently with Pepto Bismal.   Bought large bottle 
and swigged it frequently for about a week...

