Hi, Reid!FYI, my arthritis is gone, thanks to CMO. Even the bone spurs are
You might want to try it! I used the Duoflex brand.
I even used CMO on my old Pug dog, now she plays like a puppy again!

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 12:48 AM, Windows Live Team

>  Hi Everybody,
> I've been away for a long time and I'm glad to be back.  I'm fifty eight,
> with arthritis, and take triple strength glucosamine, and usually this works
> just fine.  But this past week I've had the characteristic pain and swelling
> of the joint at the right big toe.  I'm writing because I believe that I've
> had a lot of relief by using a salve of concentrated CS, and I'm hoping for
> any comments from the list.
> About three days into the pain, it wasn't quite as bad as it had been in
> the past, but then I noticed a lot of swelling.  I made a salve, starting
> with two soft-gels of vitamin A, and an equal amount of aloe vara, then I
> mixed to a paste.  I added concentrated, Mexican CS liberally, then I
> eyedroppered about six drops of DMSO.  Mixing was a bit laborious, like
> doing oil and vinegar, and I applied this over the inflamed area.
> After doing this once a day for three days, the inflamation was gone, and I
> could pretty much walk normally, without a limp!  What I do, after coating
> the area liberally is to cover with a small piece of plastic, then I tape
> this down, using duct tape.  This way I can take the dressing off after
> about six hours, and see that virtually all of the salve has been absorbed
> (via the DMSO)!
> Any comments would be appreciated.  I'm also keen to know the correct
> amount of DMSO to use, since some medical professioanls seem to believe that
> this will go straight to some vital organ or the other, bringing about
> damage.
> Thanks!
> Reid
> P.S. think about a trip to Mexico, to buy the concentrated CS, if for no
> other reason.
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