Sheesh! Could someone send me the other half of my brain too! 

I left out the pH reading after the beads were in the water for more than 24
hours. It was 8.3. I don't know what the reading was upon leaving them in
longer term, as I didn't take a reading for that effect. 
Wheww! Okay. That's it. Except to say. . . . . . 
Brooks is an absolute gem and I feel like I owe him so much. Here's why. 
Another of his valuable posts described the protocol for helping osteo and
rheumatoid arthritis. It included the use of MSM, CMO, Glucosomine, Aloe,
and DMSO. Remember that one? Well, I have been on that protocol for a couple
months now and I can truly say - "IT'S WORKING!" 
What a difference in my life that recipe made!!!!! 
Love you Brooks!!  I can now breathe, stand up straight, walk, and soon,
include a pretty smile.  What more could a girl want?  Ugh! Don't answer

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