Perhaps this is a misunderstanding?  I think the suggestion is that
private email is not intended for public consumption.

On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 14:12 -0500, Ruth Bertella wrote:
> I don't know where Indi is trying to go with these statements or what
> she is trying to prove, but I'd like to go on record as saying that I
> have never, ever sent emails to her personal email address - only to
> the silver list.
> Her claim otherwise let's us even more to her persona...
>         ----- Original Message ----- 
>         From: Indi 
>         To: 
>         Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 1:32 PM
>         Subject: Re: CS>the corpse thread...OT
>         Being personal email, your issue is with Ruth if you have any
>         sense of
>         faurness whatsoever.
>         I decline to address that further here, just as I decline to
>         post any email
>         Ruth has sent me to a public list. I will say that I certainly
>         have an opinion 
>         about the sort of person Ruth is, and it is well backed by her
>         behavior toward 
>         me. 
>         On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 07:27:00PM +0100, Kirsteen Wright
>         wrote:
>         >    On 4/24/09, Indi <[1]> wrote:
>         > 
>         >      But most corpse-eaters
>         >      can't stand for anyone to point out that what they are
>         doing is eating
>         >      corpses.
>         >      Don't you ever wonder why? :)
>         > 
>         >    I don't actually think that's true. I have no problem
>         with eating bird,
>         >    aninmal or fish corpses. they're all delicious. And I
>         certainly have no
>         >    problem with free speech. However
>         > 
>         >    'Do you actually have a function in life, other than
>         being an
>         >    utter asshole and a troll?
>         >    --
>         >    indi
>         > 
>         >    doesn't actually strike me as promoting free speech.
>         > 
>         >    Kirsteen
>         > 
>         > References
>         > 
>         >    Visible links
>         >    1.
>         -- 
>         indi
>         --
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