Hi, Lou and welcome! I`m Marshalee, one of the real oldies around here. I`ve
been taking CS since 1996, always home made. I take a swallow a day now, as
a preventive, about 1/3 cup, of about 18 PPM. So far so good! I`m still
pink, and have had no colds or flu for years. Used to be I`d get one every 6
months or so, `til I figured out  it was time to change batteries on the CS
maker. Now I use a plug-in thingy and no colds. Or UTIs or anything else.
Swine flu? Who cares. My gay son, well if he gets AIDS he knows where to
come. I originally took CS for Lyme Disease. It is gone.
I worry about store bought CS, someone had some tested once, and it was
nothing but colored water! Not to mention the expense!!!
Be glad to send you my simple directions to make it if you`d like, JLMK.

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 6:59 AM, LOU ROSELLI <lrose...@hvc.rr.com> wrote:

>  Hello
> This is my first time on this forum and I was given your site as to my
> question is that I purchase Colloidal Silver that is 500ppm. If I need to
> use it i.e.; cold, flu, sinus infection or just feeling sick. The
> homeopathic doctor recommends a half teaspoon in 8 oz. purified water. I was
> talking to a friend and she thinks that this mixture is extremely high for
> ingestion. I read so much and now questioning it. I have used this for about
> two years now and no adverse side effects or haven't turned blue yet.
> Can someone let me know if this is true
> Thanks Lou