It is quite possible. For there to be any interaction, then light MUST be absorbed. If it is crystal clear, then there is little or no absorption. Typically for photographic work, they talk about crystal size, the larger the crystal the longer the wavelength of light it is sensitive to. So you might very well have a point there.


Ode Coyote wrote:

Seems I've made silver acetate and set it in the sun and it didn't do anything, just stayed crystal clear and colorless. But film isn't especially wet, so now I'm wondering if light AND dry is what it takes.

Silver chloride and carbonate will change in the wet state...but that's not an ionic solution. Sorta like dry water.


At 10:36 AM 5/22/2009 -0400, you wrote:
It is truly photo sensitive. The aristotype used from 1885-1930 used silver citrate for the light sensitive element.


Ode Coyote wrote:

Note the difference between a stain from "permanent ink" and a tattoo. Is Silver Citrate really photo reactive or does it oxidize when dried and stain things just like Ionic silver does ?

I have looked for this info and haven't found any one way or the other.


At 04:30 PM 5/21/2009 -0400, you wrote:
Please note that silver citrate is highly light sensitive, so much so that some photo emulsions use it instead of silver chloride. If you spill some on you skin, and expose it to light it could cause a permanent blue tattoo just as silver nitrate will do.


Norton, Steve wrote:

I made the original post and I made my own silver citrate. The posts
just proceeding yours talk of using CS in the eyes and DO NOT use high ppm SC. Do not use high ppm SC in the eyes! My post was relating to an infection that regular CS and penicillin had failed to help and I tried high ppm SC as a last resort before returning to the dentist for a different antibiotic. I thought it would be good to pass on that in some instances it might be worthwhile to try some high ppm SC if regular treatment fails. Although I was using it in the mouth, I was using it topically and with caution. I am not recommending routine use of high ppm SC. It does have advantages of portability on trips (an ounce or two in a dropper bottle lasts quite a while) and it ships well but when I use it I measure the drops and take them in a drink, usually. There are at least two sources for 100 ppm silver citrate online but it
is fairly expensive. One is at There are
other suppliers selling silvers of up to 10,000 ppm. I do not recommend
use of any of those. They either consist of large particle silver or
silver bound to substances that make them generally unsuitable for

 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Antonio F. [] Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:42 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Use of high ppm CS

Where can I get the high CS ppm? I live in Washington DC

A. Evans/ Paralegal Specialist
Video Hearing Section, Room #113
 Desk: 202.461.8863
Fax: 202.565.4679
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire
world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
Albert Einstein
1879-1955, Physicist

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