Tel Tofflemire wrote:
The picture is not on the web yet, but the words (black salve IS, with the prices) It has 5 cancer fighting herbs, 3 healing oils, + the right amount of Zinc Chloride. It is all fresh and easy to apply. we take credit cards on Pay Pal

Your comment about it being fresh has me wondering, does it have a shelf life? That is, does it make sense to have some on hand for if and when it may be needed, or should it be purchased when needed so that it is fresh?


Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On *Wed, 6/10/09, jessie70 /<>/* wrote:

    From: jessie70 <>
    Subject: RE: CS>(black salve)
    Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 4:30 PM


    I just bought at Alpha Omega Labs:

    Cansema Black Topical Salve - 22 g. : 1 : 24.95

    Bloodroot Paste - 22 g. : 1 : 9.95


        -----Original Message-----
        *From:* []
        *Sent:* Wednesday, June 10, 2009 6:02 PM
        *Subject:* Re: CS>(black salve) Is on my Website today

        I must be looking in the wrong place because I still can't
        find the black salve.   OR, do we need to contact regarding
        the salve where you say "The following is just a small part of
        the many products we carry  .. If you don't see what you are
        looking for, please contact us at  . . ........??"
Thanks, Judy In a message dated 6/10/2009 2:41:39 P.M. Mountain Daylight
        Time, writes:

It is back on my Web page as of yesterday late last night.
            Tel Tofflemire
            Dewey, AZ.

            --- On *Wed, 6/10/09, /<>/*

                From: <>
                Subject: Re: CS>(black salve)
                Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 8:25 AM

I, too, am looking at this site for the black salve .. where is it Tel? Judy In a message dated 6/9/2009 9:16:56 A.M. Mountain
                Daylight Time, writes:

                    Tel Tofflemire wrote:
                    > I make a very special Black Salve, I am not a
                    beginner, I came from a
                    > ranch in South Dakota where my father and
                    grandfather were
                    > both Veterinarians. We used it for livestock,
                    and bought it from Wall
                    > Drug in the Black hills. The Sioux Indians  were
                    the makers of it
                    > until the mid 40's, then wall Drug stopped
                    selling it, My dad talked
                    > to the indian Medicine
                    > man to get an idea of how to make it, after
                    several years of testing,
                    > he did end up with salve that pulled cancer out
                    roots and all.  It was
                    > kind of harsh on the skin but it worked great
                    and left no scars.
                    >  I tweaked the recipe to make it more friendly
                    to the skin and I have
                    > not changed it in 15 years. I am a herbalist .
                    I can't find any black salve on that site.

                    > Tel Tofflemire
                    > Dewey, AZ.
                    > --

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