Hi Aldona,

Your filters may have been the problem. Were they rinsed well with DW before 
use? Try again with no filtration, leaving all other facors as similar as 
possible...you may get your answer.

Contaminated bottles can also discolor your EIS. Use no dish detergents on them 
and do not drink out of the bottle if that has been done. Use bottles dedicated 
solely for CS and don't wash them between uses with soaps...rinse if desired, 
with DW, boil in DW or clean with food grade H2o2 if desired. Otherwise just 
keep using the same bottles.

What process did you use to make the EIS?

Did you add salt or baking soda or anything else to the batch?

How long did the batch run?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Golden Aldi 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 11:53 AM
  Subject: CS>color of my cs

  Hi All,

  I have a question that I'm not sure I know the answer to, and its regarding 
the colloidal silver water I made a few days ago. At first, it was pretty clear 
with a small teint of yellow, then I let it sit, and then filtered it through 2 
coffee filters. that was a few days ago, now I wanted to fill the water into 
small brown bottles I bought, but now the color has changed to an indiscribable 
color. Its still a clear water, but I can't tell you what color it is. Has a 
teint of red or brown. Did I have good stuff that went bad? It wasn't kept in 
direct sunlight, and it hasn't been hot here. Can i stll use it other than for 
cleaning or plants? 
  I guess I'll have to make some more... Its already the 2nd batch. The first 
batch I watered my plants with, cause there were some big pieces on the bottom 
of the jar.