At 12:56 PM 6/15/2009 -0500, you wrote:
Missed something...

That is "in a time period of 1 hour."


On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Dan Nave<> wrote:
> Two gallons is probably too much to brew at one time with most of the
> home generators we see.
> You would be better off starting out with a pint or a quart. (approx.
> 500 to 1000ml)
> My rule of thumb is that the maximum amount of silver released into 1
> cup of water at 1 milliamp current in 1 hour is equivalent to approximately
> 17ppm.  You can extrapolate from this rule.  Just use your reasoning
> abilities, if you have any...  (I assume you do)
> Dan

## Using how much electrode, at what distance and assuming that the first few hours were actually running at 1 milliamp when that's not very likely if the water is good.


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