No restrictions, they didn't even tell me that I should take digestive
enzymes such as lipase.  Thank you for the information it is much
appreciated and if you find out anything more I would be glad if you could
let me know.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Norton, Steve
Date: 05/07/2009 19:41:56
Subject: Re: CS>Silver excretion rates

The study stated that when bilairy excretion was blocked that excretion in
the urine increased but did not say by how much. I will need to track down
the original study to see what it says.
When you had your gallbladder removed were restrictions placed on your diet?

I meantoned constipation only because there is a relation between the amount
of silver that passes into the bloodstream and the time it takes food to
pass through the digestive system. Constipation would be beneficial except
when in an overload condition. I don't think there is a way to quantify this

I think that the study supports the max excretion rate but is weak in its
determination of the amount of ingested silver that actually enters the
bloodstream. It estimates that at 10%. I am hoping to hear if anyone on the
list has better information. 

- Steve N
