There's a very cool video clip at, called Salt for Sinuses,
and I wonder if this is a second cure, after the CS / DMSO mix, for drug
reistant lung infections.  Anybody?  And what about putting salt water into
an utrasonic nebulizer?

I would make sure that you take enough colloidal iodine (not potassium
iodide, but straight iodine) internally to nourish your lungs and also
sinuses. The lungs and sinuses require this form of iodine for proper
function. Iodine is a powerful germicide. 


You can paint iodine onto the skin over your lungs, and it'll be absorbed
quickly into the bloodstream.


I also use iodine in a nasal wash. My own recipe uses salt, iodine and
xylitol. Xylitol is a highly processed sweetener that produces diarrhea and
so therefore I won't eat it, but its slipperiness prevents microbes from
attaching themselves to cells (including mucosal linings), so it's a
wonderful ingredient to add to sinus washes.


The sinus cavities are huge. A lot of infections can begin there. I am
coming to believe that most chronic or serious lung infections might benefit
from treating the sinuses as well. For that, I use the Grossan Sinus
Irrigator. It works great.





Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy

with a Holistic Health Primer     &

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
