I want to add my burn story.  Well, the burn story of my kitten.  He was
about 6 months old, jumped up on the stove and pulled a pan of hot grease
down.  It hit his rear back, went down from the spine to ankles on both back
legs, and burnt off all the hair on the end of his tail.

The burns on his legs were deep, burned off all the hair, and burnt the
flesh down into the meat.  It was about an inch wide on one leg and about a
half inch wide on the other leg.

He just laid and was miserable because whichever side he laid on he was in
pain.  We took his food and water to him as he didn't want to get up, and
carried him to his litter box. 

I put fresh aloe vera gel (from my plants) on the burns twice to 3 times a
day for the first 3 days.  I knew I was causing him much pain when I touched
him, but it had to be done.

On the 4th morning I smacked myself in the forehead and ran to the health
food store to buy some spray on CS.  I started spraying his burns 4 to 6
times a day and you could see that it was MUCH easier on him, rather than me
rubbing in gel.

I was basically shocked at how fast the CS started working.  The burns began
 at the outside edges, to heal and every day you could see new skin growth. 
This did not happen with the aloe gel.  Within 2 weeks the burns were sealed
over with just a thin scab seam up the middle of the long burns.

The leg that had the half inch wide burn started growing hair and it filled
in so that you have to actually spread the hair to see a very fine line scar

On the leg that had the inch wide scar, the hair grew back till the area was
about a half inch wide, from hip to ankle, getting thinner at the ankle.  In
the widest part, towards the top of the leg, no hair grew back.

BUT--the skin is flat, pink and quite smooth looking and smooth to the touch
 instead of puckered like normal burn scars are.  He is now 6 years old and
in perfect health.

I would never be without CS again (bought my own maker after that) and it
would be the first thing I reached for if I ever got burnt.
