I can't remember if anyone posted that CS will protect us from the vaccination.
Has that been covered?
I suspect that it would.
Mike in Sacramento

From: Sam L. <one...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:39:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Swine flu could hit up to 40 percent in US

Hi Sandee
Sorry for the delay but I have been very busy.
The swine flu is currently circulating the globe.It is very common for flu 
viruses to mutate as they circle the earth. The swine flu we have in the US now 
most likely will not be the same that arrives this coming winter.

The flu virus is just a very small piece (about 1/100th the size of bacteria) 
of DNA or RNA with a set of instructions on it. It can exchange the set of 
instructions with another type of flu virus. Lets say a person in China happens 
to catch 2 different types of flu, the virus will exchange infomation and 
instruction and a new flu virus is formed.
This is what scares me, a new flu virus has been introduced in our world with 
the capability of mutatting into a very deadly virus that can kill people very 
Time will tell but I would rather be prepared than unprepared and the thing is 
it doesnt cost allot of money to be prepared for this.
Sam L.