Here's an ARticle from the Costa Rica on-line paper I get, about a new
product that produces silver and copper ions into water.  At the end I have
put the link to the web site.

New distributorship offers
Method to purify water

By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

A former Long Island man is on a crusade to clean up America's drinking

The man, Sheldon Kostner, has opened a distribution operation for ChlorFree
and seeks to sell the product "from Canada to PerĂș," he said. He is based in
Costa Rica.

The product is a replacement for chemicals like chlorine in purifying water.
An egg-shaped device releases ions that kill bacteria and other pollutants,
according to the distributor.

ChlorFree is used to purify the Flamingo water system and an independent lab
test showed that even polluted San José river water can be treated to bring
the E. Coli bacterial contact from 11,000 per 100 milliliters to zero in
just three hours, according to the company, ChlorFree Water Store of the
Americas. Larger devices can be used to keep swimming pools purified,
Kostner said.

Kostner said that individuals using this product can save money that they
normally would spend on bottled water.

He said a five-gallon container of city tap water would lose its chlorine
content by evaporation and that the ChlorFree device would purify the
remaining water in 24 hours. He said household users of bottled water can
save up to $1,000 a year.

The company's Web site shows a testimonial from Africa where the ChlorFree
eggs are used in a village to bring water to drinking quality.

The device emits silver and copper ions to zap bacteria by changing the
chemistry of the cell wall and metabolism.

A U.S. Lawyer was so impressed with the product that he joined Kostner as a
partner, Kostner said.   

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