I have anecdotal evidence to share, having gone from being a very healthy, 
person to pretty much an invalid due to MRSA infection. At the time I 
CS the docs were talking about amputating my right leg due to associated
cellulitis and osteomyelitis. I haven't managed to eliminate the MRSA, but it
is mostly under control now since I began using CS. I drink it and at the
first sign of cellulitis I use it topically as well. Lately I have drunk as
much as a pint a day. And of course I still have both my legs. :)

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your friend,

On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 03:58:50PM -0600, Jim Holmes wrote:
>    Hello all,
>    1. Can anyone help with current information, either anecdotal or formal,
>    regarding the current status of CS in the treatment of Methylicillin
>    resistant Staph Aureus? I am interested in the "official": and
>    "alternative" positions on the subject.
>    Can anyone refer me to a protocol?
>    2. Does anyone know how to search England, Scotland, Ireland, or Russia
>    for hospitals that perform either Lung Volume Reduction Surgery, or
>    placement of Endobronchial Valves for treatment of advanced Emphysema? The
>    person for whom I am doing this search needs help soon.
>    Any recommendations or tips will be greatly appreciated.
>    Jim


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