    Did the stroke you experienced just temporary?  Did you completely 
recovered? I think one time I took about 5-6 pills a day to clean up the 
pipe.   nothing bad had happened. I need be more carefull now.  Thanks.   Helen 
--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Trem <> wrote:

From: Trem <>
Subject: Re: CS>Serrapeptase
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 8:55 AM

#yiv1361183804 #yiv1361183804 :* {

#yiv1361183804 #yiv1361183804 :* {

Yes, it was me.  Took 15 pills twice daily and after two weeks I stroked.  
Wanted to clean my pipes and did it too quickly.  The chunk that broke loose 
blocked flow to my right temporal lobe and toasted it.  Looks like a white egg 
on X-rays now.  Dead brain parts look white.  

----- Original Message ----- 
From: sms 
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:35 AM
Subject: CS>Serrapeptase

I have used Serrapeptase now, on and off, for years.  The brand I am currently 
using is Doctor's Best.
One capsule is 40,000 units.  The directions say to take up to three a day, but 
I always only take one a day and get results.  I use them to eliminate spider 
veins.  It does this beautifully.
I forget who; but, someone on this list (was it Trem?) who overdosed and caused 
much medical grief to himself.  This is a product you do not want to overdose 
on, but instead use with caution.  This product really works to eliminate 
clogged veins and arteries.  If they are in a weakened state, I can only 
imagine what would happen.  Please google Serrapeptase and read up on it before 
you provide it to your husband, especially with by-pass surgery.
Maybe the others will chime in here on this.

On 11 Aug 2009, at 12:51, Dianne France wrote:

When you start taking this supplement is there any danger at starting at full 
dose?  It helps clean out arteries from what I've read and I know you have 
discussed this but at the time
we weren't taking it.
Could it loosen to much plaque at the beginning I guess is what I was asking?  
Would starting at a lower dose and building up be more advisable?  Since my 
husband had by-pass surgery we try to be very careful with his supplements.  I 
would like to take it for the anti-inflamatory action.  I don't have any 
problems that I know of in the artery area.