Hi David,

I didn't see all of that photo and visualizing information.

Good answer on your part!

Does anyone know of a site that offers large quartz crystals they would
suggest as reputable?

Everything has a frequency and the most interesting to me is the frequency
of the earth.

Thank you,



Resent-Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 06:30:16 -0700
 From their website:

"When you order a TensCam Classic, PulseCam or
LaserCam, you will be asked to send a photo of
yourself; Dr. Crosby will use this picture to
attune the quartz crystal in the CAMS unit to your own personal energy."

This is pseudo-scientific poppycock. A quartz
crystal is tuned in a laboratory by cutting it.
Its a very delicate operation requiring expensive
machinery. I doubt this fellow has the equipment.
Further how can a photo of yourself tell him
anything about your personal energy.

"Attuning a CAMS unit to an individual
user—whether clinician or patient—is essential
because CAMS is programmed by the thoughts and
intentions of the user. When you turn on the CAMS
unit, you program it by exhaling forcefully
through the nose while visualizing the problem
area of the body you wish to be healed."

Even more ridiculous to think an electronic
device can be programmed by simply thinking at
it. If one believes that one might save their
$6000 and buy a large quartz crystal and get the same result.


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