I have been unable (because of more pressing events) to keep up with the list postings over the past couple of days. I had over 2000 new emails from my two primary mail systems....this poses a challenge for a mentally staggering octogenarian.
If my posts include words/terms that are somewhat obtuse or unfamiliar to some of the list members....my apologies. I do not do this for affectation, it is...unfortunately...a characteristic of my nature to speak/write in those terms which, automatically, spring to mind-----in written, as well as spoken verbal exchanges and expressions. There seems to be some question as to what I was referring when I used the _expression_ "tissue bed", in one of my later posts. I believe it related to a comment about vitamin C availability. What I was referring to, in this case, was organs or tissue fields (cells of common origin constituting a, primarily, monolithic [uniform] character). My comment was designed to draw a contrast between the simultaneous availability LEVELS of vitamin C.....in the bloodstream as opposed to organs and/or various tissues (muscles, bones, connective tissue, etc) existing throughout the body....at a GIVEN point in time. This I did in order ! to call attention to the fact that vitamin C (as is also the case with many other substances) does not ALWAYS reflect the titer (concentration/strength) occurring in the bloodstream----to be HIGHER than in organs/sites of the body----which are exterior/downstream to the main cardiovascular system. e.g. until quite recently, most of conventional medical research "assumed" that the correlation between substance levels presenting in the cardiovascular system would be reflected in "downstream" recipient tissue-----at LOWER levels. This assumption ignored the fact that entrained substances which were "isolated" (encapsulated) from the bloodstream "during transport" became available AFTER they had arrived at some location far out in the capillary portion of the cardiovascular system......thus making possible HIGHER concentrations than were being exhibited in the bloodstream proper.....at the SAME TIME.
Note: IF the vitamin C HAD NOT been "encapsulated", the levels occurring in any area DOWNSTREAM to the main cardiovascular system...would not have been present in higher concentration than those UPSTREAM.
If I have simply confused the issue, my apology. I do believe, however, one can through due diligence....make some sense from these comments. At least, that is my hope.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour