I also glowing reports from my dental hygienist. I use a $6 electric battery
toothbrush from wal-mart. I wet the end and stick into a box of baking
soda.I run the brush in my mouth over my gums and teeth for no more than a
minute.  I do this once a day.
That's it. Really cheap. Really easy.


From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [mailto:d...@deetroy.org] 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:17 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>soap for teeth cleaning

I believe it is somewhat expensive though isn't it?  As for mouthwash, I
think straight CS takes a lot of beating.  Also nebulizing, but I can see
that alcohol could be a good substitute if you didn't have a CS nebulizer.

On 27 Aug 2009, at 12:59, Karen and Jerry Conrad wrote:

We use his tooth soap, it is great, my son does not brush hardly at all
ever, yet, when he went to the dentist for a cleaning, the hygienist was
amazed at how easy his cleaning went. a company called tooth soap makes Dr
Judd's products, we get the liquid grape flavor, its great, my son will use
that now, it is the only product he will use. Dr Judd also advocated the use
of alcohol (breathing it in) as a cure for viruses such as flu and
pneumonia, it WORKS, Unfortunately, he passed away several years ago.but I
have several publications he wrote.You boil the alcohol on the stove and
breathe it in 10-12 breaths at a time every few hours. He recommended  using
the mouthwash Cepacol rather than straight alcohol, that way you could also
gargle with it and kill any virus in the throat too. HTH. Blessings Karen