Thanks for that.  It contained pretty much what I was expecting re the
injection vs oral route.  Those Gulf War stats are incredible though.  At
the risk of being too far off topic... I get to wondering lately why there
are so many 'conspiracies' going around that appear to have overwhelming
supporting evidence, and yet they seem to sit there in full view of the
public and without consequences.  The protests on 911 recently for example I
couldn't find on any mainstream media in the West (although I'm in the Asia
and couldn't find any here either), yet it was all over Russian tv.  GWS
you'd think would have people protesting in the streets for damaging so many
lives (quite aside from the lives in the target countries).  Does it happen
and we don't get to see it, or is it unknown to most people?  For the life
of me I cannot understand, however I try, why so much effort, skill and
money is spent on damaging people, and then also in patching them up.  In
one scene there's a million dollars of bombs blows peoples limbs off, and in
the next they have the best surgeons in the world with all kinds of hi-tech
equipment to sew them back on.  


Makes me think the Vaccine is the next development in war, when we realise
that we're the enemy all along.


Sent: 21 September 2009 23:53
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #564



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