Well, it is true that Americans loves to eat apples.  It's probably the most 
popular fruit in America.  Unfortunately, it's not helping cancer so much.  We 
have very high cancer rates here.

Most people don't eat 3 or 6 apples a day. and apples are always on the list of 
most pesticide-ridden fruits.  One can always buy organic, but most of the 
population haven't gotten into that yet.

It's also not mentioned if the peel was part of the extract.  A lot of people 
like apples without the peel, but I think that is where significant benefits 
come from (flavanoids, etc).

-Ken Bagwell

From: Garnet <gar...@grandecom.net>
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 10:35:30 AM
Subject: CS>Apples Fight Breast Cancer

from /Bottom Line's Daily Health News/

*Apples Fight Breast Cancer*

An apple a day  may not only keep the doctor away -- new research shows
that it may specifically be helpful in protecting against breast cancer.

At Cornell University's department of food science and Institute for
Comparative and Environmental Toxicology, researchers randomly divided
rats treated with a known mammary carcinogen into different groups,
feeding them either low, middle or high doses of Red Delicious apple
extracts (the equivalent of one, three and six apples a day in humans,
respectively) or a control extract. Rats fed the strongest apple extract
experienced the lowest cancer rate (40% developed cancer)... followed by
the group fed middle-strength extract (43%)... and the lowest strength
extract (59%). In comparison, 71% of those fed the apple-free control
extract developed mammary cancer over the 24-week study period. The
study appeared in the December 10, 2008, online edition of /Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry/.


According to researcher Rui Hai Liu, MD, PhD, associate professor of
food science at Cornell University, the study demonstrated not only that
apple extracts effectively inhibited the growth of mammary tumors in the
rats but that the more administered, the greater the anticancer effect.
"Not only did animals treated with apple extract have fewer tumors
overall, the tumors were smaller, less likely to be malignant and grew
more slowly when compared with tumors in the untreated animals," he said.

Why are apples so powerful against breast cancer, I wondered? Dr. Liu
explained to me that apples are one of the best sources of phenolics and
flavonoids, which are phytochemicals (bioactive compounds) that have
powerful antioxidant and anti-proliferative (antigrowth) effects in the
body. In two previous studies, Dr. Liu and his colleagues discovered
that phytochemicals from apples effectively inhibited the growth of
human breast cancer cells. In another study, Dr. Liu found that
phytochemicals from apple peels inhibited an important inflammation
pathway, NFkB, in human breast cancer cells, thereby reducing the
proliferation of the cancer.

Dr. Liu told me that although other fruits and vegetables also contain
phenolics and flavonoids, apples are one of the best dietary sources of
fruit phenolics. In fact, of the top 25 fruits consumed in the US,
apples provide 33% of the phenolics that Americans consume annually.
"Americans love to eat apples, so it makes sense to encourage them as
part of a balanced diet for optimal health," he said, adding that this
doesn't mean anyone should forsake other fruits and vegetables. "It's
clear that regular consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
can help to prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer,"
Dr. Liu said.


Rui Hai Liu, MD, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of
food science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

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