Sorry to jump in --  but those stories would possibly  make a great book.. 
I already wish I could hear them-- Lois
 a message dated 9/29/2009 7:53:12 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Yes I  miss my Dad also and my Grandma for all those wonderful stories 
they  told!
Donna ACS

> John lost a good portion of his land when they  put the Parkway in.  It 
> cuts across the  lower part of this  mountain,  but progress is 
> progress  and the Parkway   is a beautiful drive  thru the Smokies.   
> We have  Black Bears  and  Deer  along with  Wild Turkeys   across the 
> top .   They don't bother us at all.   Rarely ever even see them,  but 
> the tracks are quite  visible.   My mothers people were Blackfoot,  
>  Grampa  was our storyteller.  I miss him a  lot.