Good Question. I know the ants around here will take it if I mix it with a little sugar first, and dampen it. I did that one year when we had some carpenter ants wandering around the kitchen. It worked very well.

We used to use boric acid for roaches back when we lived around the orange groves.

On Oct 2, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Will fire ants take it?


Malcolm wrote:
Hi, I don't know about boron, the element, but borax is definitely
deadly to ants of various persuasions that live around my area, from
sugar ants to leaf-miners with a few big ol' meanies in-between.

Apparently it tastes like sugar to them (though who figured that out I
dunno?)  They take it back to the nest where it wipes out the entire

I've never had to band it around the house or garden - as a matter of
fact I'd think rain would dissolve it? - I just put it where they are coming and going, with something overhead to keep the rain and dew off
if necessary - and they do the rest.

Take care,

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