Hi, Lois,  Tell me, if you please, the nature of your gift, and how did you
find out or realize that you had it. I first found out I could sense quakes
in 1992, with the Landers quake. We were living in Phoenix at the time, and
enough energy from the 7.2 quake came our way that we actually had a few
hundred gallons of water slosh out of our pool. That was a weird sight. (A
little boy was killed when the fireplace in the home fell on him. Sad.) I
realized that I`d been having strange feelings all the day before, so from
then on I began to watch; sure enough, if I felt those sensations, soon
there would be a (fatal) quake. I got the 1994 Northridge quake, and exactly
a year later, the Kobe, Japan quake. I remember my son waking me up saying,
"Mom, there has been a big quake in Japan! You were right."
Over time, I learned to recognize warnings of weather things, plane crashes,
and such.
More people are willing to believe me now, as others have come forth with
the same gift, talent or whatever it can be best called. I saw one lady in
Oregon who can also do this on a TV program, well, I found her phone number
and called; she was really glad to hear from "another one of us"!

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:53 AM, <zzekel...@aol.com> wrote:

>  In a message dated 10/8/2009 9:58:50 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> rbar...@clear.net.nz writes:
> Marshalee
> OK, from now on, I`ll let the List know whenever I "get" anything!
>    Believe me, it is not a nice thing to have, as almost all of the
> things I sense include fatalities.
>  *I can see where your "gift" would be a great thing & a very disturbing
> one... My grandmother was born with what they said was a "Veil over her
> face" She was quite psychic..I have some of the "gift" but nothing like
> yours.. Lois*