Have you tried supplements and or exercise for the lymph system? This is something that a friend of mine has just had for five months, and after all the tests, this is what they have decided it is, and not frozen shoulder as they thought. Lots of CS for infection and supplements like arabingalactan for the immune system. I have had a bout of this and this is what I am doing and it seems to be working. Often lymph disfunction is thought to be poor circulation - like hands and feet 'going dead' while you are asleep, this is not poor circulation but blocked lymphs. dee

On 20 Oct 2009, at 13:39, kath wrote:

Hi, just wondering if anyone has ideas for treatment of frozen shoulder. My husband has both shoulders affected, one is finally getting better after three years of pain and immobility, and the other one is now really limited and painful. The doctors say just give it time, and that it is the result of poor circulation to the area. He tried physical therapy and acupuncture
with limited results, but hit a plateau very quickly with both.


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