Information on this herb was recently posted to a
list where many use pain killers for their MS or
other diseases. Because it is helpful in getting
off opiate based pain killers I thought I would
pass the information along.

It is legal in the US. I am also told that the
tincture is more addictive and harder to get off
of so use the leaf.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Reposted from Nov 3: Kratom (mitragyna speciosa) is used to wean people off opiates. Its legal, i used it to get off a 2 1/2 year addiction to morphine, it worked for me. Only had depression for a few days and a cold (from withdrawal) then i was fine. I took 9 capsules every 6 hours, next day 8 capsules, next day 7 capsules etc until i was off it. No hospital or anything, 14 days later no addiction, no withdrawal. Still have left over morphine, no reason to touch it :-) Read up on it, its better than going into hospital IMPO.

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