Yeah, and i'm glad there was enough in this email to read! Boy, I never did
hear about that! I want to spread that kind of information around so others
will be aware that the FDA is not here for our health...  I have to confess,
I've been addicted to Diet Coke/Pepsi in particular, and there was a time I
was using Splenda! Boy have I had a rude awakening these past few years!
Better late than never! I just wish someone would have told me this stuff
decades ago!

Was there anything anywhere on the internet that even mentioned this
incident at all? Any good sites to research?


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Annie B Smythe <>wrote:

> Interesting
> Annie
> Pat wrote:
>> I asked the original poster if she had any more info on the 21 FDA
>> scientists.  This is the reply:
>> Hi Steve
>> I'm not sure where I got the number 21 from..... I guess it was 9 that
>> sent the letter, and maybe 21 that got laid off weeks after. I will try
>> to find the article about the lay offs that happened just 2 or 3 weeks
>> after Obama got the letter in early January 09.
>> Also contact Dr. Betty Martini for FDA information, she has more of the
>> inside scoop. The media is censored with stuff like this.
>> I will see if i could find it though.
>> Hop
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: "Norton, Steve" <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 6:33:56 PM
>> Subject: RE: CS>Aspartame
>> I found that information on an anti-aspartame site so I figured it was not
>> just reflecting the MSM point of view.
>> - Steve N
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] Sent: Monday,
>> December 07, 2009 2:37 PM
>> To:
>> Cc: Annie B Smythe
>> Subject: Re: CS>Aspartame
>> And if you look into Walter's background, you'll find he had more of an
>> agenda than anyone knew at the time.
>> ---- Annie B Smythe <> wrote:
>> =============
>> But 9 scientists sounds so much less terrible than 21 scientists doesn't
>> it? US media sources are notorious for fiddling with numbers. If you read
>> three different sources they can and have printed stories with three
>> conflicting sets of numbers. I don't trust any of the US MSM numbers. Any
>> time they want to make a situation seem less bad, or less influential, they
>> cut the numbers. Remember what they were saying about Ron Paul's supporters?
>> That they were "kids" on the internet. They've been caught downplaying
>> protest numbers as well, trying to make protesters look like fringe nut
>> cases. So meh, I take everything the big Media sources in the US say with a
>> grain of salt. And even foreign sources can have an agenda. It's a shame
>> that the media isn't truly objective anymore. They're just supposed to
>> report the facts. There aren't any more Walter Cronkites, may he rest in
>> peace.
>> Annie
>> Norton, Steve wrote:
>>> Pat,
>>> I have tried to find info on the 21 FDA scientists but have only come up
>>> with 9.
>>> " WASHINGTON -- A group of scientists at the U.S. Food and Drug
>>> Administration on Wednesday sent a letter to President-elect Barack Obama's
>>> transition team pleading with him to restructure the agency, saying managers
>>> have ordered, intimidated and coerced scientists to manipulate data in
>>> violation of the law.
>>> The nine scientists, whose names have been provided to the transition
>>> team and to some members of Congress, say the FDA is a "fundamentally
>>> broken" agency and describe it as place where honest employees committed to
>>> integrity can't act without fear of reprisal."
>>> I was never able to verify that any one of them lost their job. Can your
>>> source provide any substantiating info on the claim below? If not, maybe it
>>> has not been reported because there is no story.
>>>  - Steve N
>>> ---- Pat <> wrote:
>>>> =============
>>>> This was a post from the BoneSmart forum:
>>>> I don't know how much of U.S. issues you
>>>> follow, but last January, as soon as Obama took office, he received a
>>>> letter from 21 FDA scientists asking him to look into the corruption.
>>>> Weeks later the FDA laid them all off, and I don't know if they ever
>>>> got their jobs back. It became a big "whistle blowers" case after.
>>>> Betty Martini is was an FDA doctor for 17 years, and now is a
>>>> whistleblower as well.
>>>> Here is her contact info.....she usually sends very thorough replies to
>>>> questions. Her main concern now is getting aspartame off the market,
>>>> because it has been proven to cause M.S., ALS, and other deadly
>>>> diseases, but she is very knowledgeable on Pfizer drugs as well.
>>>> Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
>>>> Founder, Mission Possible World Health International
>>>> 9270 River Club Parkway
>>>> Duluth, Georgia 30097
>>>> 770-242-2599
>>>> E-Mail:
>>>> Aspartame Toxicity Center: 
>>>> __________________
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