What are Rennies and where can you buy them?


-----Original Message-----
From: Rowena [mailto:new...@internode.on.net] 
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:00 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines.... Rennies and Tri-salts

I suspect the electrolytes could be important.
Anyway, today DH is not doing so well, and I made him a drink to 
hopefully stave off progress to full blown migraine.
With recent correspondence in mind, I added some ACV and honey.
He's had no improvement, and I have given him another dose of 
bicarbonate of soda.

It has all reminded me of something else . . .
An old lady told me about 35 years ago that her daughter took Rennies 
whenever a migraine threatened, and it was fixed forthwith.
I didn't do anything much with that information until some 15 years ago 
when we were miles away from home (on the seafront at Seascale) and DH 
was threatened with a migraine bad enough to have us stranded there. 
Four of us in a small car, with nothing in the car but a tube of 
Rennies. I remembered the old lady and her daughter, and DH took a 
Rennies, how many I don't recall.
Much to my astonishment only a short while later - a ridiculously short 
time later - he said he was better.
We continued our tour as if nothing had happened. Well, nothing had.

DH just told me that last time we visited the UK he spent his loose 
change on as many packs of Rennies as he could, and he used to take 
those whenever required as long as the packs lasted.

I just checked the ingredients of Rennies - Calcium Carbonate and 
Magnesium Carbonate.
Calcium carbonate 680mg
Magnesium carbonate - heavy 80mg
Contains sucrose
Contains saccharin sodium (Pity about that).

I also checked the recipe for the Tri-Salts I mentioned earlier. I was 
told about this by a Professor of Microbiology who also saw patients 
with Chronic Fatigue and treated them with an oligoantigenic diet. He 
said that if he ate certain things he would start to get a headache, but 
the Tri-Salts cut that short.

http://www.safesolutionsinc.com/cancer.htm says: Many people find that 
their body turns acidic during an allergic reaction or when they suffer 
from metabolic acidosis. You can help correct this condition by taking 
1/2 teaspoon of dissolved baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) before bed 
each evening or as needed. Make sure that all the baking soda is 
disolved before drinking. Many people prefer a /Tri-Salts/ mixture to 
straight sodium bicarbonate to make the body become more alkaline.

*_Recipe for /Tri-Salts/_*
2 Parts Potassium Bicarbonate
3 Parts Sodium Bicarbonate
1 Parts Calcium Carbonate
Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together, (you may want to do this 
outside or wear a dust mask as it can make you sneeze a lot).
Use one teaspoon of the above mixture to 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon powdered 
vitamin C in a third of a tumbler full of filtered water to alleviate 
allergic reactions such as headaches, nausea, chronic heartburn etc.
The sooner you take the /Tri-Salts/ after a suspect food (i.e. 
heartburn), the better it works to lessen the symptoms.

/Source Airedale Allergy Centre, Nr Keighley/.

(or "Ecological Formulas" TriSalt formula: Calcium (carbonate) 450 mg 
Magnesium (carbonate) 250 mg Potassium (bicarbonate) 99 mg 

(I saw another recipe for equal parts Potassium bicarbonate and sodium 
bicarbonate, with a little citric acid for fizz. Sounds silly to me, 
especially called "Tri salts". However, whqlibdoc.who.int bulletin says 
oral rehydration salts with trisodium citrate dihydrate does not react 
as readily with glucose or sucrose as sodium bicarbonate, which forms 
brown polymers of 5-hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde when mixed as solids in 
polyethylene packets in tropical climates.)

Why are Tri-Salts (Cell Salts) Essential?
Minerals (such as Tri-Salts) are the foundation for enzyme
activity in the body and serve as catalysts in energy cycles
and functions, which is especially necessary when our
body system is already weakened. Tri-Salts aid in the
basic functioning of the cells, including water balance,
digestion, toxin removal, cell elasticity, oxygenation, nutrition,
mineral absorption, sodium/potassium balance, etc.
Harmonyline Tri-Salts contain a perfectly combined
ratio of elements that assist in the body absorption of water into the 
cells, which in turn creates
Electrolytes are an essential component in the
production of our body's energy resources.
Other health benefits...
All higher life forms require a subtle and
complex electrolyte balance between
the intracellular (taking place inside a
cell) and extracellular milieu. In particular,
the maintenance of precise osmotic
gradients of electrolytes is important.
Such gradients affect and regulate the
hydration of the body, blood pH, and
are critical for nerve and muscle function.
Both muscle tissue and neurons are
considered electric tissues of the body.
Muscles and neurons are activated by
electrolyte activity between the extracellular fluid or interstitial 
fluid, and intracellular fluid. Without sufficient levels of
electrolytes, muscle weakness or severe
muscle contractions may occur. With
serious electrolyte disturbances, cardiac
and neurological complications can
Electrolyte balance can be simply
maintained by taking Harmonyline
HarmonylineT Tri-Salts
Potassium Bicarbonate is used to regulate pH.
is a mineral that is found naturally in foods and is necessary
for many normal functions of your body,
especially the beating of your heart.

Bicarbonate ions are crucial for regulating
blood pH.
The most common salt of the bicarbonate
ion is Sodium Bicarbonate and when
exposed to acid the bicarbonates release
carbon dioxide.
The bicarbonate/carbonate ionic system act as a buffer in the
blood and is a crucial component of the
acid/base system of the body (maintain-
ing homeostasis).
This helps maintain the
pH of the blood at a level needed for
tissues and enzymes to work adequately.
Sodium Bicarbonate also serves a use
in the digestive system.
It neutralizes the
exceedingly acidic pH of the stomach
after the stomach digests the food and
can also be used to control bacteria,
including bacterial infections.

Magnesium Carbonate neutralizes
or lowers stomach acid by raising the
stomach's pH level. Reduced stomach acidity may result in an impaired
ability to digest and absorb certain nutrients, such as iron and the B 
Magnesium carbonate assists the normal functioning of cells, nerves,
muscles, bones, and the heart.
Magnesium carbonate also contains the ingredient alginic acid.
Alginic acid forms a protective foam that sits on top of the stomach 
This foam helps to prevent acid irritation to the esophagus (the tube
connecting your mouth to your stomach).

Electrolytes (salts) are critical to maintaining the integrity of the body's
cellular structure.
Cells use a considerable amount of energy to maintain
a proper pH environment.
Whenever a deficiency of electrolytes occurs, cells start to lose their 
ion equilibrium,
resulting in significant deterioration and damage.
Even slightly acidic conditions cause tissues and organs to be-
come inflamed, eventually leading to chronic disease.
When inflammatory conditions are acute, immediate steps
need to be taken to relieve the inflammation and its associated pain.

Tri-Salts helps with:
. High Acid/Phlegm
. Exhaustion & Tiredness
. Obesity
. Depression & Irritability
. Adrenal Fatigue
. Mood Swings
. Muscle Cramps
. Osteoporosis
. Dehydration/Fluid Retention
. Constipation
. Food Allergies
. Skin Elasticity/Dry Skin
. Acid Reflux/Ulcers
. Heartburn & Acid Indigestion
. Heart Irregularities
. Memory Problems
. Headaches
. Cystitis

Product Technical Report

Key reasons to use Tri-Salts:
. Helps maintain optimum pH level in the body,
preventing acidic and sick cellular states in the body
. Alkalizing mineral blend contributes to the prevention
of chronic and degenerative diseases
. Increase body's electrolytes, which combats heart
disease, cancer, etc.
. Acts on the cellular level of your whole metabo-lism
. Hydrates by stabilizing the acid-base balance in
the body
. Reduces and impedes premature aging of the face
reflex zones and other body areas

I bought Tri-salts from the chemist once, and recall that it was pretty 
pricy. I told them the recipe, and I suppose they mixed it up.
I see that the Harmonyline Trisalts comes in capsule form.

Tri-salts are not the same ingredients as Tri-K, which comes with all 
sorts of warnings.
Potassium acetate, bicarbonate, and citrate are salts of potassium. They 
are used together to prevent or to treat a potassium deficiency.


> It's what I do for DH (bicarb). I also add some valerian, some 
> eyebright, and some feverfew. More recently I have been adding 
> hawthorn berry, but that, while it may help, was really because I got 
> it mixed up with the feverfew bottle.
> I have been experimenting with a bit of cream of tartar, but the 
> recent posts have reminded me that I used to add some ACV and honey.
> I used to have a tri-salts mix which helped, but I have forgotten the 
> ingredients; one was certainly bicarbonate of soda, another was a form 
> of potassium, I think, and I don't recall the other.
> This often aborts an impending attack.
> Rowena
> Roger Barker wrote:
>> I don't know if it's been mentioned before but I do remember
>> someone suggesting taking one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a
>> glass of water to cure a headache - usually within half an hour.
>> Never had to try it myself but it may be of some help to sufferers.
>> Cheers, Roger B
>> NZ
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Roger and Lisa Royal <mailto:rerl...@bellsouth.net>
>> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:42 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines....
>> I have found that most of my migraines are triggered by an
>> electrolyte imbalance. I can usually head one off by drinking a
>> chug of acv. I have NO idea if this is common or not, but I
>> wanted to mention it in case it could help anyone else.
>> Lisa
> -- 
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