Yeah, it looks like you take it by mouth.I haven't tried caprylic acid yet. I'm interested though. I've been looking at Caprol (aka Caproyl), but it seems to be nothing more than caprylic acid mixed with olive oil, which I can do cheaper than what they want for it. It may be that what problems I've been having with headaches could actually be a yeast overgrowth problem. The whole family was on antibiotics for two weeks a few months ago for exposure to whooping cough. And since then I'd been experiencing digestive disturbances, and some irritating symptoms I couldn't pin down.

I bought some probiotics which helped a lot, and to my surprise did away with a lot of symptoms. But the headaches when I wake up are still plaguing me. So I thought I'd try something in conjunction with the probiotics. I was searching and ran across that website. I thought maybe it would be of use to a few of the list members, besides me, so voila. :)

I'll let everyone know how it turns out after I've made up my mind what to buy and use it for about three months. I like to give anything at least that long to prove itself. The problem with most folks is they expect an instant fix, and it just doesn't work that way. Most times it takes a while to get messed up. The body wants homeostasis so give the body the help it needs and be patient while it heals itself. It's frustrating as the dickens, but if ya give it enough help and time, the body will right itself most of the time. The only problem is figuring out exactly what it needs:) That's what Doctors used to do. Figure out the problem and help the body just enough for it to take care of itself. Now they stuff you full of synthetic chemicals, that do as much damage, or more, as the original problem, and wonder why the patient doesn't get well.

Sorry, didn't mean to speechify.


Leslie wrote:
Thank you Annie as I feel I am fighting fungus so have been looking for things to kill this and in so doing caused an imbalance of bacteria. Do you take the caprylic acid by mouth? I will be checking out that site for sure and thanks. Leslie ----- Original Message ----- From: "Annie B Smythe" <>
To: "CS List" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 9:14 PM
Subject: CS>Info on Yeast treatments

Ok so I found this website..

Some great info on yeast, fungal, bacteria, and parasite infections..

They sell no products, but they do tell you what stuff works for each thing... I do believe this is one of the most useful websites I've found on the subjects.

Caprylic acid works by dissolving the yeast cell wall much like proteases or cellulases would and it's much cheaper than either of those. I'd start with simple first, and if that doesn't work move up to combinations of things. Just sayin'. Of course CS should work on bacteria. But I'm not sure about yeast or parasites.


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