I had seen this site previously and found it to be superficial at best.
>From the site home page:

"The purpose of this site is to examine the credibility of these claims
from the standpoint of our present-day understanding of science. The
latter, of course, is always evolving and is never complete, but it
makes an excellent "B.S. filter" that is almost always reliable."

I like those words but he doesn't fulfill them. From the page you cited

"The Journal of Medicinal Food seems to be a favorite place to publish
stuff whose authors place degrees (often phony ones) after their names.
The second article, whose senior author has a Ph.D. in physical
education and who appears to be the only legitimate faculty researcher
cited in any of the references, reports a double-blind study of six
subjects in which reduced blood lactate concentrations were observed
following 40-km simulated bicycling trials. I'll leave it to those more
knowledgable about physiology than me to evaluate these papers."

Not exactly a science based evaluation. Regarding the study he did
mention above, here is what Ray Sahelian, M.D, says at

"Effects of microhydrin supplementation on endurance performance and
metabolism in well-trained cyclists.
Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2004 Oct;14(5):560-73. Dept of Human
Biology and Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,
Canada N1G 2W1.
This study investigated whether the supplement Microhydrin contains
silica hydride bonds (Si-H) and if Microhydrin supplementation increased
performance or altered metabolism compared to placebo during prolonged
endurance cycling. Seven endurance-trained male cyclists consumed 9.6 g
of Microhydrin or placebo over 48 h in a randomized, double-blind,
crossover design. The results indicate that oral Microhydrin
supplementation does not enhance cycling time trial performance or alter
metabolism during prolonged submaximal exercise in endurance-trained

Frankly, I don't think much about the accuracy of the site or the
technical competence of the site owner.

 - Steve N

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From: muk...@mail.bg [mailto:muk...@mail.bg] 
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 2:00 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Migraines

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