Are you sure the pain isn't from scar tissue? I had an aunt that the same thing happened to. Her doctor had to go back into her knee and get rid of the scar tissue.
Donna ACS
Thank you so much! I have had tendonitis or some sort of soft tissue pain ever since 10 weeks after my knee replacement. I tried DMSO on it but it didn't help. I haven't tried aloe vera on anything but a small burn. The doc said to double up on my Celebrex and to apply Voltaren gel on the knee. I hate using so much, so usually skip it. I have a small aloe vera plant, pale green and about 7". Does it matter what type of aloe vera it is?


*From:* Brooks Bradley <>
*Sent:* Wed, December 23, 2009 4:14:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>CMO Background Info

Dear Pat,
I will take a moment to comment on your CMO protocol. First, disagreeable as it may appear, we have found that for no observable reason....the vegetable-based CMO products DO NOT achieve the degree of positive response----as do the ANIMAL-derived CMO products. Originally, this posed something of a problem for I am a vegetarian (but do consume lacto-ovo (milk/eggs) products; especially eggs. As CMO is a mid-chain fatty acid-type substance, it is somewhat compromised in efficacy when consumed with kindred/similar compounds----especially butter and other similar saturated fats. This said, one can profitably ingest CMO AT ANY TIME; but with lessened effect when taken with other foodstuffs----especially animal fats and whole-milk products. We have NOT achieved universal success in our trials using ANY vegetable-based CMO PRODUCT. Others may well have achieved different results. Additionally, I would call your attention to the fact that in the VAST majority of our volunteer cases, clearly-evidenced benefits of the CMO support protocols DID NOT manifest until around the 25th to 40th day of the protocol. This condition prevailed whether or not the protocol was stopped at 10 days.....or continued uninterrupted for 35 days continuously. I would call your attention to the fact (observable to us) that the most powerful benefits of CMO present in cases displaying major insults DIRECTLY IN THE ARTICULATING JOINT environment. Bursitis-type presentations centered in the lean-tissue beds surrounding the articulating joints, respond with considerably less powerful effect----especially when CMO is used as a standalone protocol. It might be worth pointing out, at this point, that ALMOST ALL strains/bruises (blunt-force- trauma), have responded remarkably-well to various Aloe Vera and DMSO regimes....added as adjunct components. Most especially in traumatised muscle cases. One further point; we have determined (to our satisfaction) that FRESH aloe vera, obtained directly off of the plant order-of-magnitude more powerful in effects.... than ANY commercially available material (this includes aloe of organic source). We have no knowledge why this condition should prevail.....but do suspect the answer may be of enzymatic nature. One final comment of a general nature: I noted your comment about your hydration challenge. I would STRONGLY encourage you to consider a SCHEDULED HYDRATION program (experimental of course. To wit: try to arrange for consuming ancillary quantities of water daily. e.g. consume a 10 to 12 ounce glass of ordinary tap-water (or bottled) three times daily, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.m. Although the additional 30 ounces will---in all probability---not raise your volume to MINIMUM BASELINE if you are currently drinking less than 80 would in all probability probability, keep you above the automatic water-conservation demands initiated by the all cases where fluid availability forces priority measures. The dynamics of water conservation by the body are fascinating...and quite unrelenting in nature. The first areas to be limited are the, peripheral, non-life critical tissues and structural members; the next are the minor systems (including some of the endocrine components). The lungs, heart, and brain are the last to shut down. Interestingly, except in rather rare circumstances.....there is little or no pain attendant with death from systemic dehydration.....excepting cases involving attendant physical insults. We stand convinced that more humans (especially in the Western cultures) suffer from more medically-definable afflictions caused by chronic "cell thirst" (at least 60%)...than ALL others combined. I will close this epistle now.....hoping you have found some of it useful.
P.S. Our researches have confirmed (to our satisfaction) that the average adult (20 to 55 years) and 150 lbs of body mass, requires a minimum of 85 ounces of water daily......for acceptable health parameters to be maintained. Just add up your known, average, water volume intake per day.....I believe most will be shocked at their determination of the figure.

    ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

    *Subject : *Re: CS>CMO Background Info

    *Date : *Wed, 23 Dec 2009 10:06:13 -0800 (PST)

    *From : *Pat <>

    *To : *

    Thanks for the info Brooks. Also for the gelatin info. I'd always
    scoffed at people using gelatin for their fingernails, but maybe
    I'll have to eat my words. I bought some today. Also, I'm using
    the lecithin and kelp and have no problem swallowing it. The kelp
    tastes exactly like I thought it would....kinda green lol. So many
    things have benefits that we can't imagine.

    I know I don't get enough fluids, too. When away from home, I hate
    public bathrooms and therefore withhold liquids. Then I don't want
    to make up for all that at night or I'll have to wake up more than

    I have some CMO and want to use it, but at this time I'm not
    disciplined enough to do without a morning cup of coffee or tea or
    an evening beer or glass of wine. Sweets, too. So would it be
    wasted to try taking it now? Or might it still help some. The
    first time I used CMO, I was perfect, no caffeine or alcohol and
    took it by the book, but it didn't do anything for me. I use
    Myristin brand CMO. I think I used three bottles of it that first
    time, plus the Myrist-Aid.


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