Here is something about L- arginine I'm thinking about getting for my  
husband and myself .  I have high blood pressure and he has high  cholesterol. 
In a message dated 1/1/2010 9:25:04 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Please -  look these up.  Do some of you're own research.  Your size and  
weight depend on how much you take. 


On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Donna <_dscroggs44...@gmail.com_ 
( >  wrote:

On  this how much L-Lyseine&Red Clover should be taken?  And what is  EDTA?
Donna ACS


L-Lyseine  is recommended by two-time Nobel Prize Winner Linus Pauling to 
help clean  the arteries and veins.  Also, EDTA will break down plaque to a  
liquid and flush it out through your urinary tract.  I also use some  heavy 
metal chelators, Pectasol Plus, Xeolite, Metal Magic and there are  others 
(Chlorella, etc.,) that help to remove hgeavy metals.  Pycnogenol will 
strengthen the integrity of your veins and arteries  (vitamin C does, too) and 
Clover will keep your veins and arteries  flexible so they don't become 
brittle and "POP."  All of this will  take a while.  It's not an allopathic 10 
day antibiotic treatment.  It's long term.  i've been taking all the above 
for  years.
