Dear Brooks,

Thank you for bringing the Lung Flute to our attention. Wow, talk about 
simple execution of an elegant idea!

I think once the FDA and the pharmaceutical lobbyists get done with it, 
the inventor would do more good for people, at least in the US, if he 
licensed the design to Wham-O and had them sell it as a Party Trumpet 
for $10 (Not for medical or therapeutic use...). <sigh>

As for making it, I imagine the "reed" can be pretty simple... some 
chosen thickness of painters' dropcloth from the hardware store. The 
body could be made of 4 pieces of thin acrylic sheet. Getting the 
mouthpiece right would involve getting a close look at one to see the 
exact geometry, but the gross components would probably be easily made 
from PVC pipe fittings.

Tweaking the frequency should be easily done by using a microphone to 
record the slapping of the reed with your computer's sound card and 
applying some simple spectral analysis tools to the signal.

16 Hz should be about the same as an open 32 foot organ pipe or 16 foot 
closed pipe, but I bet it'd be tough to sound it with the lung capacity 
of a healthy person, let alone one with pulmonary challenges.

I could imagine building something with a slotted or perforated drum 
inside a cylinder. You'd mount a mouthpiece on the side of the cyliner 
and turn the drum with a motor. The openings in the drum would 
alternately open or close the airway at a frequency equal to the number 
of slots times the revolutions per second. More complex, certainly, but 
you'd have a pretty precise idea what you're getting with little trial 
and error.

I hope it becomes available to the general public at a reasonable cost. 
If not, it'd be pretty useful as an indictment of the system.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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