
In response to your inquiry - I have been taking (under Mr. Bradley's guidance) 
EIS, CMO, Del Immune V, MSM, Encapsulated Vit. C, and ConcenTrace minerals, and 
the results are extraordinary, for me. 

I had been sick for a period of many years, getting every cold, flu and virus 
and bacterial infection passed on to me by grandchildren, etc.  As a matter of 
a time line I was sick constantly in 2007, 2008.  Since beginning the above 
daily intake of supplements, I am healthy.  I have not had a cold, the flu or 
any infections.  

When I begin to feel something coming on, and you can feel this, I double up on 
my Del Immune V.  This alone has been a God send. I don't think I would be this 
healthy if it were not for this immune system support.  I purchase this from 
Simply the Best.

Since I started CMO my hands and joints are improved 110%.  Before the shooting 
pain was constant.  Today I can use the hands, almost pain free.  Of course, I 
get twinges of an uncomfortable feeling, but nothing like before.  If I was a 
good girl and took it every day like I am supposed to do, I know the pain would 
be nonexistent.  I purchase this from Beyond A Century.

I take MSM everyday.  It supports, in my humble opinion, the CMO, the 
Del-Immune V.  I also purchase this from Beyond a Century.

After all is said and done, I will Never Never Never be without the Del-Immune 
V again.  This alone has been my saving grace.

I cannot every thank Brooks for his kind words and guidance.  I don't remember 
when we first began to talk or why, but he has helped me more than any other 
person and I am eternally grateful.  Listen to him, he does know what he is 
talking about and only has goodness and caring in his heart for all mankind.  

Thanks to all.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: S&JY 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 11:13 PM
  Subject: CS>Where to buy CMO

  List (especially Brooks),


  Not finding a source of Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) locally, I searched the 
Internet.  As you can imagine, there are many sources, each making wonderful 
claims about their products, and some bad-mouthing their competitors, etc.  So 
I need recommendations from you who have used CMO with good results.  What 
brands and sources do you recommend?  What are your recommendations regarding 
products that compound CMO with digestive enzymes, Glucosamine, Hyaluronic 
Acid, etc.  To keep this on topic, have you users of CMO had any adverse 
effects from also taking EIS (CS)?  Responses either on or off list will be 


  Thank you,


  Steve Y.