This is my last attempt to send this this form. I someone received it earlier, I would appreciate
knowing of it. Sioncerely, Brooks Bradley.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : [RE]CS>Burning feet

Date : Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:34:35 -0500 (EST)

From : "Brooks Bradley" <>

To : <>

Dear Raine,

From your brief statement I am led to believe you are presenting with peripheral neuralgia...which is

a pretty name for a condition which is expressing as a nerve insult (caused, usually, by one of two presentations----diabetic

complications and/or non-diabetic physical injuries, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and sometimes, toxin loads in the system.

We conducted some rather detailed investigations circa 1998-99 and were somewhat successful in gaining quite useful results. One indication that the insult is diabetic (or at least from cardiovascular origin) is there "usually" presents some degree of swelling in the feet and/or ankles....especially near the day's end. The actual these cases is, almost entirely, based upon leakage of fluids into the surrounding tissue...due to insufficient scavenging (getting the fluids back to the heart----from the venous side). Even if the person is suffering from improper glucose management, a marked degree of control is possible.....via compression stockings. This protocol is safe, useful and economical. It is based upon the fact that increasing the compression load on the tissue beds surrounding the veins reduces the enlargements allowed by the leaking valves (causes the swelling) and aids the valves proper to completely close and thus prevent the "! pooling effect". We have effected surprising results from this simple protocol---many times. One successful methodology is as follows: (1) Obtain some quality

compression hose (below the knee length, if there is no swelling at or above the knee joint). If the swelling that occurs is minor, select a 15--20 mmHg (that is the pressure rating) compression strength. If there is significant swelling of the toes, feet and ankles, select 20--30 mmHg in Surgical Weight. Wear the hose during the day and take them off at night. I believe you will be surprised how effective this simple protocol is.

Do note that many of the Name-Brand suppliers of support stockings have quite high prices. We evaluated about four of the name brands and found little difference in their quality--or prices. In fact, we were able to locate a generic-type supplier whose products proved to be the equal of a majority of the name brands. The company name is Ames Walker and they are located in New Jersey...I believe. This is not a plug for them, but we saved many hundreds of dollars with their products...

a Google search will give you their website....if you are interested.

If one is presenting with pronounced swelling of the feet and ankles (and especially if it does not ALL reduce by each morning).....the situation requires IMMEDIATE intervention by professional medical agencies.

One thing to remember is that one of the worst things a person with compromised extremity circulation can do is to STAND IDLY for extended periods of time during the day. The reason being that as there is no powerful pumping source on the venous side of the cardiovascular system (unlike the arterial, high pressure side); without the muscle stimulation of walking, venous stasis (poor circulation) occurs, together with its ever-present swelling of the interstitial tissues adjacent to the veins. If the "challenged" person has a desk job, one of the best things they can do...during the to prop their feet up

up on the desk or a chair {ideally where the feet are at the same level as the heart}....for a few minutes----every chance they get. It will help---ENORMOUSLY! This little trick really helps to scavenge the deoxygenated blood on the venous side.

If the primary insult is from causes other that diabetic, then long-term correction is...probably....not achievable without additional support protocols. Our most successful protocols for aiding/correcting actual nerve insults....involved members of the B vitamin family. I do not at present have sufficient time or finger-strength for continued typing, to go into detail. I will attempt to elaborate some on this tomorrow. Meantime I offer this: Subliminal B-12 proved to be the linchpin in our successful protocols. That is not to say the B-1 and some of the others were not required.....but B-12 was the real strength for our effective addresses.

There are two special types of B-12 which proved to be almost an order of magnitude in the

common type most readily offered by the commercial market. I will post a description of these substances and the simple mode of our experimental researches, tomorrow.

I must go now.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : CS>Burning feet

Date : Thu, 21 Jan 2010 01:49:08 -0500

From : Rainie Cole <>

To :,

Yes, from time to time I do have burning feet. It's not all the time, and I

can't tell when it's going to happen. Usually for sure if I'm on my feet

for any length of time. Sometimes, no reason. My legs also throb. And I

cannot be on my legs for any length of time, anymore. One hour and I'm

painfully aware of my legs. it sucks. All of this since Lyme. for the

past 18 months.



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