> Has anyone from this list conctacted Steve and challenged him? I
> would be very interested to read what he says,

> You are reading it...  It's time to wake up...

> calm down John I have not read anything that has been posted that show
> any specific person has contacted Steve and have gotten a reply from
> him.

> Read his blogs.  Read.  Calm down - what a joke. So many on this
> silverlist are such know-it-alls - yeah, right...

> how rude you jerk

Okay, before this deteriorates any further, I need to correct at least
one member's understanding of what we do here.


We do not have to accept Barwick's interpretation of the situation as
gospel. Others here may express different opinions, and they will not
be personally attacked for them. The truth lies somewhere between the
extremes of hysteria and 'nothing is wrong' apathy. Part of our mission
is to keep people from being stampeded or deluded by either extreme. We
will question, doubt, examine, and analyze these reports, with
civility. Please respect that.

Another matter that needs to be settled, is your understanding of what
this group *is* and whether there is anything for you to learn from us.

The silver list has existed for more than twelve years. In that time we
have had the privelege of hosting some extremely gifted experimenters
along with many hundreds of individual users.

Through experiments, testing, shared results, analysis, and accumulated
experience, we have developed a consensus regarding many aspects of the
subject of our studies which *differs* in key ways from the orthodoxy
surrounding the marketing of CS to the public.

Since there are no web-archives of the group at this point, which is my
fault, this consensus is being passed on essentially as an oral (or
written) tradition. When those archives are established, however, they
will contain on the order of 150 thousand messages, representing a
wealth of accumulated colloidal silver and alternative health
experimentation, knowledge and experience.

Before you accuse us of being 'know-it-alls' please contemplate the
presumption of telling *us* to abandon the evidence of years' worth of
personal observation and accept your beliefs as fact -- beliefs that we
have tested, analysed, and in some cases rejected years ago, e.g., the
need for brown bottles. On the basis of what testing? What experiments?
Where's your data, John?

When we come up with ideas that disagree with yours, I think it would
be wise for you to *explore* our reasons for them and consider the
possibility that we are correct, rather than behaving like a missionary
sent to educate us heathens in a *proper* belief system.

Your good health and wide experience suggests there is a lot we can
learn from you, John. I need you to give us as much credit, however.

Please think about it.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>