I have been reading and archiving for months. I am buying EIS as needed but
haven't made my own yet. Probably will go with Silvergen.
Because two of my children I and were assaulted by a vicious (viral I think)
infection this week- I was prompted to do a search on Ebay were I found
another generator available from Russia. Cost is about $150.00 including
worldwide shipping
>From some links to studies I have found on this list I know Russia uses CS
to treat water on their space station and I find it encouraging to see they
claim 5 million units sold. I suspect there is more of an issue with even
safe drinking water in parts Ukraine and this machine has low concentration
fast production for treating drinking water as well as 10 PPM (uses
automatic timer)

Has anyone seen this this unit? Any positive or negatives ( other than buy a
machine from another hemisphere) would be appreciated.



Sorry to use Ebay links -- but manufacturer site is in Russian.