Depression is a negative feedback loop where lack of interest and lack of adequate reasons to do stuff leads to doing nothing...and doing nothing suppresses the brain chemistry that makes one interested in doing stuff. To get around that, learn to not need reasons to move, and once you get moving, reasons come back, especially if reasons are no longer needed. [ANY reason is an adequate reason...get MOVING and the sillier the better ] Depression is a disease of the ego, backed up by chemical imbalance in a feedback loop. [Attitude controls brain chemistry and ego controls attitude] A great deal of a womans ego comes from the power of her sexuality and if she no longer "feels" sexy, that power gone leaves a huge vacuum...and a vacuum attracts anxiety.
Silly can fill it.  Get unreasonable.  You don't need a reason to be happy.

Feed another loop. Laugh for no reason and the laughter itself is funny...BECAUSE it has no reason. You don't even have to mean it for it to become it's own silly meaning. Take that girl for a walk around the block and start skipping and giggling like an idiot...and encourage her do it too. You doing it shows that a reduction in sensibility threat is possible.
 Then "bookmark that silly page" for  habitual referral.

Depression makes no more sense than silly does...but silly feels a heck of a lot better. It kick starts the chemistry. The only good thing about anti depressive drugs is that they make you a "bookmark" on a page that says "I don't HAVE to feel bad and *this* feel good is proof" [Remember this feeling so you'll know it's possible.] But people start believing that the *book* is the source, not what the book SAYS. [The messenger being mis-taken as the message and turned into a religion that worships the messenger. ]

Depression is insanity seeing itself as sane and giving it validation feedback. Since few believe that they control their own brain chemistry, telling them the truth is seen as a threat to their denied victim-hood and the defenses go up. Laughter for NO reason is a non threatening loop buster. [ Just as Sneaky as a denial. ] Silly is contagious as it slips an unreasonable non threat in behind reasons back. Reason can't make sense of that sort of nonsense and is thus defenseless.

HRT can be expensive and dangerous, but 17B Oestragel [Estradiol], a bio Identical hormone derived from plant sterols applies topically, bypassing the liver and greatly reducing the risk of blood clots..that and a little topical Progesterone for balance, in as small a doses as is effective [like 1/32 the recommended doses] can be had for about $35 a year from online pharmacies smuggled in via the US Mail from New Zealand. Or, many herbs and foods contain those same sterols and favanoids...but the liver will destroy about 90% if taken orally and spew byproducts...so a tincture or essential oil in a moisturizing body cream may be the answer.

Surrounded by menopausal women.. just a whispered "Show me your tits" has a positive effect. It's not that I need to see them, it's you thinking I want to...and, of course, I do, but that's not the point..and it doesn't matter if they pop out or not. A seed was planted and left-be to grow as IT wants to. Sneak up behind her and feel her up now and then....just for fun...don't place any meaning on it. A little squeeze and walk away smiling. "Honey, It's not that I want anything...I just can't help it....I'm a GUY!" Once she gets over the idea there's a demand she feels she can't supply, something to be defensive about, she'll start "giggling like a school girl"...that's so SILLY!

....and you can't giggle without unreasonably feeling better.
It's like, you just can't play a sad song on a Banjo. That sound won't carry it anywhere.

 I ran a little experiment once:
I was at a party and had a long very interesting conversation with a 70 year old woman. Just before parting company, I reached out and cupped a breast so no one could see.
 She stepped back in surprise and exclaimed, 'MY, you certainly are FRESH"!
I said, "Yes, but you'll think about that all night and be smiling in the morning....how some whipper snapper actually wanted to touch, but made no "show" or "demands" It's called " Pure Appreciation" without consequence. We caressed minds for hours, but that's not all there is...and it doesn't mean anything. She considered that briefly, softened and went away very pleased with herself. [And probably stayed that way for weeks..maybe even years. ]


So now, over the years, a line up comes around now and then for a little playful "appreciation"...50ish+ women bringing their friends to "talk".

Ode [Totally Harmless Pre-vert ]

At 07:43 AM 1/30/2010 -0500, you wrote:
I need some direction.

My wife is 46 years old suffering from depression, anxiety and menopause. She has been seeing counselors and she was recommended to again take an depressants. She has tried Wellbutryn once for a month which gave her bad side effects like headaches and anxious and the latest Lexapro which also she can not stand the side effects. They are making her feel even worse, then better. Lexapro has been making her feel nauseas and dizzy which are some of the side effects is what I read. I finally got her to think about the natural route and I am trying to see if anyone out there can give me some solid holistic direction of what see can take to help her feel better to alleviate the depression anxiety and the usual hot flashes and everything else that comes with menopause, without these side effects..Can anyone direct me.

from NY

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