I trust Dr. Mercola.  I know you have to sensationalize headlines to get people 
to read and you have to make money to support your cause (educating the public 
about health).  

Life Extension Foundation (lef.org) seems as pushy as any drug company, but 
they have to bring in the money for research or they'd be unable to bring us 
the information we need. 

It's just hard sometimes to know who to trust with everyone trying to talk us 
out of our money.

I used to enjoy reading Natural News, but lately I'm irritated by a lot of it.  
Mike Adams is so self-righteous that he has no patience for those who are just 
beginning to learn alternative ways or are struggling with changing their 
diets.  To me he sometimes comes off as judgmental and intolerant and he lacks 
understanding for people who aren't young and energetic as he is.
