>Hello Mike,

  > I just joined the Silver List. I am receiving  email notifications
  > when people  post,  but have been unable to  locate  the  web site
  > where the forum is.

  > Do you happen to have any idea of where that web site is?

  > Your mold problem is interesting. There may be some other  ways to
  > manage the  mold  spores.  It  is  possible  to  disinfect laundry
  > washers, and dryers.

  > It is also possible to inactivate mold spores in a room.

  > I would  love to carry on a conversation on this, if I  could ever
  > figure out a way to find the site.

  > Thanks.


  Hi Tom,

  Thanks for the email, and welcome to the list. 

  This may be your first experience on a mailing list.

  Unlike Flicker, there is no web site where the forum takes place. It
  is all discussions carried on by email. So you have found the forum,
  and you are already on it:)

  To post  a message to the forum, send an email to the  silverlist as
  described in the home page. This is at


  To reply to a post, make sure the address in the link on  your email
  client points  to the silverlist, and not to the  indivdual  you are
  responding to.

  As far as mold spores, it is very difficult to inactivate them. They
  have 940 million years of evolution, and we have only 4  million. So
  they have figured out how to survive and destroy  their competition,
  and we are simply the collateral damage in their biological warfare.

  Disinfecting a dryer means removing all the lint from the  nooks and
  crannies. This can take several days with the proper equipment.

  The silverlist  is mainly concerned with making and  using colloidal
  silver. Other  topics,  such   as   mineral  supplements,  have been
  tolerated up to a point. Mold is also slightly off-topic, but so far
  it has  not  been  banned from the list. I  expect  it  might  if it
  becomes excessive.

  I'm sure there are other forums that focus on mold, but I  am really
  not much  interested in joining them. My main  interest  is learning
  how to  make and use silver ions. I have  developed  some techniques
  that are important, and I describe some of them on my web site at

  These techniques  are  far  in advance  of  anything that  have been
  available up to now.

  Please study  the types of communication on the list, and  learn who
  the people  are  and what their areas of competence  are  before you
  start posting  your own ideas. You may find some people  have little
  tolerance for outsiders, and others are very supportive.

  I am one of the supportive ones for newcomers. Welcome to the list!

  I am copying this to the list so you can see how it works.


  Mike M.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>