----- Original Message -----
From: <bober...@swbell.net>
To: silver-list <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, 9 September 1999 23:48
Subject: CS mystery solved

Mystery...what mystery?

>Hi Ya'All;

>"Ole Bob" is back to stir the proverbial pot once more.
> As Aquriam Bill so elequently stated if you don't polarity
switch and
> stir you have one big mess.

Being eloquent doesn't mean being correct. There are other ways
to generate CS without having a mess.
Tell me again why I need to switch polarity... How is that an
improvement over current limiting?
What percentage of the suspended silver is ionic vs metallic?

> Tomorrow I will publish the starting currents, the bulk
resistance at
> end of run and next day. Also the time it took to reach the
> current and the ppm. You will be amazed. at the predicability
of the
> process.

Well I suppose some may be, however, the predictability of CS
generation has been well established. Of course the parameters of
one system do not relate to another, so these results
(interesting as they are) only relate to the generator... which
never advertise on list.

> When the tabulated data comes out I hope that some of you
> crunchers will look at it.
> "Ole Bob"

"Young Ivan"
Oiling the turbulence.

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