Okay guys, now I really need help.
All my mold experiments have failed - but I find it hard to believe that it's 
my homemade cs because they failed with the storebought too.
Last time I tried putting cs on mold grown on bread -- I saw no effect.
This time I put bread and sugar and water in three seperate containers. To 
one I added storebought CS, to another my homemade, and the third was a 
Well, all three grew mold - but the two with CS grew much more mold and the 
mold on them was dark brown and very thick, while the mold on the control was 
white and lighter.
Help!! What am I doing wrong?
 Obviously the CS is having some effect, but it sure isn't killing the mold.
Somebody, I think it was Wong, said that when he put the cs on mold it 
worked, but only on the spots where he put it. What did working look like?
Any feedback at all would be appreciated because I really want to figure out 
a home test to see how effective my CS is.

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