What you make with your Silvergen is EIS Gregg.  This stands for electrically 
isolated silver - commonly known as colloidal silver.  I have a Silver Puppy 
and if you set it on manual you can make the silver a higher ppm.  I expect you 
can with the SilverGen too. I don't know what the tetroxide is but it sounds 
not good. dee

On 12 Feb 2010, at 17:46, Greg Ball wrote:

> Here's my question: My Silvergen machine is putting out about 12 ppm. Would 
> flooding my body with my silver solution be just as good as taking small 
> quantities of the ACS or and Mesosilver? Any idea how much I would need to 
> take of the silvergen solution to have it be on the same level of the other 
> two? 
> Also - I'm really sorry - I'm super spacey and don't remember if someone 
> explained this to me: Is EIS the same thing I make with my silvergen? Or do I 
> have to do something to my silvergen solution to make it into EIS? I remember 
> someone saying something about adding peroxide. If so, could you share any 
> directions? Thanks!!!!
> ____________________________________________________________
> Ode Cayote: You said "Could be Tetrasilver Tetroxide by another name." Are 
> those two brands brownish? What is tetrasilver tetroxide, and is that a good 
> thing or a bad thing? 
> ____________________________________________________________