Dear Linda, 

Thank you for the information on Swedish Bitters... Interesting indeed.

You also wrote:
> PPS: Feel free to email me offlist, as I think this is O/T- I was
> surprised to see it posted here. My apologies to the list... 

Just FYI and any others who are unsure: You don't need to apologize. 
Any reasonable health-related question is welcome on the list, and 
answers as well, whether CS related or not. I only ask that non-CS-
related discussions be handled more briefly.

In practice, I'm pretty loose even on those requirements, unless 
traffic volumes get so high folks start to complain. <grin> Then I'll 
ask folks to end some topics or migrate to our Off Topic List or 

> ...but I hate to see a little one suffer. 

Me too, which is exactly why such questions and their answers are 
accepted here.

Be well!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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