Hi Day,
This isn't a CS protocol but I have gotten excellent results with others who had pleurisy by using simple moist heat with no drugs, i.e., lay a heating pad down on the bed, position a plastic sheet on it (an unopened garbage bag will do fine), then lay a non-dripping but wet dish towel over the plastic sheet.
1.) Turn the heating pad on awhile to warm the wet towel first, so it isn't too cold, then have him or her lay down on the towel and cover 'em up.
2.) Let the heating pad stay hot (med or med/high only, not high) until the person feels thoroughly warmed (be careful not to burn them), leave it warm for about 15-20 minutes, then turn it off for ~20 min until the pad cools. Do not try to get them to tolerate more heat than they can, back off if they say it's too hot or too long a time. See to it that the towel stays wet.
3.) Then repeat step #2 for 3 or more iterations.
4.) Remove towel, plastic and heating pad before they finally settle down to sleep for the night. You don't want them sleeping on cold/wet. They should sleep covered up.
This has never failed for me, provides rapid relief, and has saved a few trips to the ER over the years.
Stay well,
-------------- Original message from Day Sutton <day.sut...@gmail.com>: --------------

I have a friend that has been diagnosed with pleurisy.  Doc gave him a prescription for "simvastatin"  anyone know a CS protocol that will help?

Day Sutton