I'm sure you're right Annie--its just me panicking again.  Ever since the Omega 
3 thing with my husband, I have been extremely prone to whip-lash (eh Chuck?)  
thanks again.  dee

On 14 Mar 2010, at 18:41, Annie B Smythe wrote:

> You're welcome Dee, 2 or 3 tablespoons of Lecithin is not an extremely high 
> dose Dee, I wouldn't worry about it.
> My Lecithin granules say take a tablespoon at a time, and I know people who 
> take two or three tablespoons at a time. If you're not drinking the whole 
> mixture you made at one time, it isn't going to harm you at all. I'm quite 
> sure if there were any harm from it Brooks would have said something anyway.
> Annie

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