Nattokinase also has the ability to dissolve blood clots. 


From: James Lembeck <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Fri Mar 19 10:47:14 2010
Subject: Re: CS>help for clogged arteries 

Perfect, absolutely agree with Marshall. The addition of Nattokinase would also 
be prudent in severe cases, they work well together...

Dr. Lembeck

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--- On Fri, 3/19/10, Marshall Dudley <> wrote:

        From: Marshall Dudley <>
        Subject: Re: CS>help for clogged arteries
        Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 9:40 AM
        serrapeptase has shown itself to be very good at completely clearing 
arteries.  My wife's blood pressure went down from 150/100 with blood pressure 
medicine to 115/65 without taking blood pressure medicine after only one month 
of taking it. I believe that the heart surgeons would have to find another job 
if everyone would try that before surgery.
        Caution, to NOT take too much at once.  If you have blocked arteries it 
needs to be removed slowly, if you take too much, chunks can break off and 
cause a stroke.  But this is not a problem, it will clear vessels usually 
within a month or two.
        We initially took 2 capsules of SerraGold 100,000 IU a day, and once 
our blood pressure was normal and all the blockage gone (in about a month), we 
shitched to Drs. Best 40,000 one a day for maintenance.
        Kirsteen Wright wrote:
        > Hi can anyone offer any suggestions or pointers to the archives 
please. A friend of mine (male 60) has recently had a heart attack. The 
angiogram showed one artery completely blocked and the others severely 
constricted. He will probably have a quadruple bypass very soon. He has never 
smoked, exercises regularly and eats a vegan diet.
        > He is very open to adding in supplements, complimentary therapies and 
a natural approach to the problem. However, surfing the web for advice he feels 
bombarded with sites all promising miracle cures if he just pays £XXX for 
whatever they're selling.
        > I know there's some really knowledgeable people here. What would you 
suggest he tries. Any advice gratefully received.
        > thanks
        > Kirsteen
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